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Kate Russell


Clue-up for cholesterol this October

Health choices, healthy heart

What you eat can make a big difference to your cholesterol levels and heart health. We all need some cholesterol in our bodies just to keep us ticking over, but having too much can clog up arteries and lead to health problems in the future. By getting a simple cholesterol test and making positive lifestyle changes, most people can keep their cholesterol levels healthy.

Here are six cholesterol busting foods to add to your daily diet:

Foods rich in unsaturated fats
Vegetable oils, avocado, nuts, seeds and oily fish

Fruit & vegetables
Remember your five-a-day!

Almonds, macadamias, brazil, cashew, hazelnuts, walnuts and pecans

Oats & Barley
Oat based breakfast cereal flakes and porridge

Foods with added sterols & stanols
Mini yogurt drinks, fat spreads and milks

Soya foods
Full of protein vitamins and minerals - low in saturated fats


Wild game is a super healthy choice and a great alternative to traditional meats. Naturally low in fat and cholesterol, wild game is high in protein and a good source of vitamins, minerals and Omega-3. To check out our game visit our game & meat butchers shop


To find out more about cholesterol download a free e-guide from HEART UK, which includes all the need-to-know info. This useful guide could be a lifesaver and we recommend you get your hands on a

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